November Stars

Issue 310

Mercury flies through your adventure zone, triggering the quest for meaning and purpose. Process a fixed belief by exploring various philosophies and faiths.

The desire to pamper yourself heightens over the coming weeks under the influence of indulgent Venus. Focus on enjoying beauty, art and other cultural pursuits.

You’ll be mentally stimulated by the connections you form this month. Exchanging ideas and problem solving prove effortless under the resourceful Mercury cycle.

Love is in the air when Venus joins Jupiter and the opportunity for romance deepens. Your own creative process receives a cosmic boost around 13 November.

Family relationships develop under the Jupiter-Neptune link. Difficult domestic connections begin healing in the first week of December.

The Uranus-Saturn link coaxes you to think outside the square. Expect to resolve a pressing issue between 5 and 11 November, but only if you act with authenticity.

Mars joins forces with Jupiter on 9 December, giving you the determination to push ahead with professional plans.

Venus, Jupiter and the New Moon on 18 November all help you explore the mysteries of life with passion and hope. You come closer to reaching an understanding of a taboo situation.

Mercury and the Full Moon on 4 December help liberate your joyful side. Keep your heart and mind open to attractive possibilities over the coming year.

The Jupiter-Neptune connection provide a preview of opportunities looming in 2018. Luck and optimism are key players in forming your future.

Creative and meaningful work is possible, thanks to the Jupiter-Neptune link. Begin developing professional goals in the first week of December.

A supportive link between Saturn and Uranus connects your finances and career for favourable outcomes. Go after that dream job between 5 and 14 November.
