Your stars of the week by Astrogirlzarro
You’ll be attracted to mind-expanding activities such as higher learning and intrepid travel, thanks to a cluster of planets in your philosophy sector. Re-examine your personal and spiritual values under this transit.
Many Taureans will reach a turning point in their relationship on or around November 26th. Sensible Saturn helps you approach romantic concerns with pragmatism and maturity.
Mercury moves into your love zone on November 28th. Wit and ingenuity can disperse intense arguments with loved ones, should they arise.
Your most passionate period this year ends on December 4th, so take the initiative and go after what your heart desires.
Deal with commitment and security issues that concern your home and family around November 26th.
The Sun, Mercury, and Venus connect in your domestic zone this fortnight. This is an ideal time to welcome and entertain guests in your stylish abode.
Conversion of your personal space on an aesthetic level proves effective on or around December 2nd.
The link between Mercury and Saturn highlights tension between fantasy and reality. Make choices for a more authentic life that’s grounded in realism.
Restlessness intensifies under the New Moon-Neptune square on November 22nd. Imagination is a powerful tool for transformation, so make room for daydreaming.
Mars leaves your sign on December 4th. Settle demanding projects this fortnight for future success.
Your ‘activist’ side emerges when Mars enters Aquarius in early December. Be mindful not to push your agenda on others but rather be open to new ways of problem solving.
The thorny issue of friendship sincerity surfaces on or around December 2nd. Making difficult social choices now will confirm who your true friends are.