Your stars of the week by Astrogirlzarro
Academic or travel opportunities present themselves this fortnight. Take a stimulating trip or begin studying an area that you’re passionate about.
Money is the main concern for industrious Bulls. Implement your financial strategy around August 24th
for positive results.
You may experience a shift in attitude towards materialism with the help of your ruling planet Mercury around August 29th. Learn healthy detachment techniques such as meditation.
The Mercury retrograde cycle has you reflecting on a particular issue. How you present yourself to others in relation to this will affect the outcome.
If you’re tempted to sign your life away on a deal too good to be true, pull back. Renegotiating an already existing contract will prove more fruitful than a new one.
The New Moon eclipse in your sign on September 1st asks that you release baggage from the past. Focus on what you have now and build on it.
Venus enters your sign on August 30th. While this is a romantic time for you, be mindful not to idealise others in an unrealistic way. Strive for balance in relationships.
Scorpios can organise responsibilities and long-term plans when Mars and Saturn connect on August 24th.
Mercury’s retrograde motion in your career zone from August 29th has you slamming the breaks on professional progress. Reflect and plan
on how best to reach the next level.
The influence of Jupiter promises a cycle of discovery and growth if you are willing to undertake study that challenges your beliefs.
The New Moon eclipse on September 1st helps you release negative financial habits. This is an ideal time to overhaul your money situation.
The New Moon in your love zone signals to let go of situations that are detrimental to your emotional wellbeing and begin again in romance.