Latte Leftie – 304

May 30, 2017

Righteous Rightie weeps bitter, salty tears for the party once led by right-wing heroes such as John Howard and Tony Abbott Dear RR – I’m a battling bank executive on a modest 250K salary. Needless […]

Latte Leftie – 303

April 28, 2017

Latte Leftie embraces a new, cappuccino-coloured racial identity! Dear LL – Are you excited as me that, thanks to the pioneering efforts of blonde Montana farm girl turned cornrow-sporting Black History professor Rachel Dolezal (now […]

Righteous Rightie – 301

March 3, 2017

Righteous Rightie despairs at Turnbull’s reluctance to stand up for hardly done by capitalists Dear RR – As an agile and innovative small businessman operating in a 24/7 world, I long ago embraced wage flexibility. […]

Latte Leftie – 300

February 17, 2017

On the occasion of his 300th column, Latte Leftie rejoices at how frequently he’s been proven to be on the right side of history Dear LL – As a Millennial, my memories of your 2005 […]

Latte Leftie – 299

February 3, 2017

Is it OK to deck anyone who expresses an ideologically unsound opinion? It’s a sacred duty, argues Latte Leftie! Dear LL – I don’t understand the brouhaha over someone peaceably exercising their right to free […]

Latte Leftie – 298

January 20, 2017

When are this nation’s Angry White Men going to get off their lackadaisical arses and dire up? Dear LL –  What is it with Australia’s apathetic blue-collar males? Their counterparts elsewhere in the world are […]

Latte leftie – 296

November 25, 2016

As progressives are grimly death marched to their Gotterdammerung, won’t someone please think of the children? Dear LL – Strangely enough, my five-year-old appears more interested in watching TV cartoons rather than serious discussions about […]

Latte Leftie – 295

November 18, 2016

Identity politics haven’t proven to be disastrous and the Trumpocalypse just means progressives should double down! Dear LL –  I’m confused about where you stand on the President-Elect. In a (since deleted) tweet on the […]

Latte Leftie – 294

November 4, 2016

It’s been a damn close run thing but Latte Leftie says progressives can breathe a sigh of relief about the status quo being restored Dear LL – While secretly aroused at the thought of a […]

Latte Leftie – 293

October 21, 2016

Latte Leftie admits he is not a “perfect progressive” and that his off-mic remarks at a 2005 Politics in the Pub event were a “misspeaking” Dear LL – Goddess knows how many times I’ve defended […]

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