ANZAC Day Dawn Service
Leichhardt Council’s annual Anzac Day dawn service will take place this year at Loyalty Square in Balmain from 6-7am. Commemorating the brave Australians and New Zealanders who have served in wartime, the dawn service is always an intensely reflective and moving ceremony. The ceremony centres around Australia’s oldest war memorial, a drinking fountain that features the words ‘Peace, Honour, Empire, Liberty’.
Close to 5000 men and women from the suburbs of Annandale, Balmain, Birchgrove, Leichhardt, Lilyfield and Rozelle enlisted their services for World War One. Around 4,500 enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force – the AIF – with a further 500 in the Royal Australian Air Force and Navy, and serving as Nurses and Medical Staff. Please join in the service to commemorate the locals who gave so much in war.
Where: Loyalty Square, Darling St, Balmain
Time to lock it in
PCYC Balmain is running their annual fundraising event on Friday 29th April. ‘Time 4 Kids’ is an exciting way to fundraise where local community leaders spend time in a makeshift cell and have to raise ‘bail’ to be released. Joining the club this year to help with the fundraising are Mayor Darcy Byrne and founding Director of Cobden & Hayson, Danny Cobden.
The event is always a lot of fun with the ‘prisoners’ wearing a black and white striped outfit and posing for mugshots. The premise behind it is that they’re “doing time to stop youth crime” with the money going towards club activities and Police programs.
Make a donation online at https://time4kids2016.everydayhero.com/au/balmain. Alternatively, come down to Loyalty Square on Darling Street, Balmain on Friday 29th April to make your donation in person.
To get involved call manager Demetra on 0417 423 335 to express your interest and for further details.
Fri 15th and Tues 26th Apr, 1pm
Authors at Ashfield
Authors at Ashfield has been running free literary events since 2002. On Friday 15th Jeannine Baker will discuss and sign copies of her new book Australian Women War Reporters: Boer War to Vietnam, which looks at the hidden story of Australian women war reporters and their fight for equality. On Tuesday 26th Walter Mason will be in conversation with Antonia Pesenti and Hilary Benn about their new picture books Numerical Street and Alphabetical Sydney.
Where: Level 6 Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 260 Liverpool Rd, Ashfield.
Tuesday 19th Apr, 6pm-8pm
Climate Conversations with Tim Silverwood
Tim Silverwood of Take 3 will be taking the stage at this year’s Climate Conversations, an annual environmental forum organised by Leichhardt Council. The topic in 2016 is the detrimental impact of plastic on waterways and marine life. This event is free and open to the public, so come along to enjoy a tasty bite, peruse some stalls and find out how you can help save our waterways.
Where: Leichhardt Town Hall, corner of Marion and Norton Streets
Monday April 25th
Canada Bay Anzac services
The City of Canada Bay will be hosting a number of services commemorating the landing at Galipolli on Anzac Day and in the lead up to April 25th. Drummoyne RSL, Concord RSL and Breakfast Point will all be holding dawn services. A commemoration service will be taking place in Five Dock Park on Sunday April 17th at 11am.
For more information about exact location and times please visit the Canada Bay Council website: www.canadabay.nsw.gov.au/anzac-day-services-2016.html
Tues 26th Apr, 6:30pm-8pm
Mum’s Night Out with Madeline West
Mums in the Inner West are invited to a special evening discussion with actor and writer Madeline West. She will discuss her new book Six Under Eight, which examines the hectic juggle of life, career and kids, in the cozy and intimate setting of the 3 Weeds living room. Cost $20pp, including a glass of wine or bubbly and some nibbles. To book call 9818 2788 or email functions@3weeds.com.au.
Where: 3 Weeds, 197 Evans St, Rozelle
Sat 30th Apr, 2pm-4pm
Community Picnic in the Park
The City of Canada Bay invites local residents to a picnic marking the the opening of the Lewis Berger Park in Rhodes. Mayor Angelo Tsirekas will open the new park with an official ceremony at 4pm followed by a service unveiling the relocation of the Berger Honour Shrine. Preceding these ceremonies is a community picnic commencing at 2pm. A gold coin donation sausage sizzle will be supporting Legacy Australia. Entertainment will include performances by local schools, face painting and ballon twisting. There will also be some delicious treats!
Where: Lewis Berger Park, Rider Blvd, Rhodes
Until 28th May
The 2016 Site and Sound Arts program invites you to enjoy an explosive, innovative season of new theatre, opera, classical music, and kid’s events. Hear contemporary voices fill the cavernous architectural jewel that is the Leichhardt Town Hall. Site and Sound is an initiative from Leichhardt Council that aims to animate and enliven the Leichhardt Town Hall, a building that has been in community use for 128 consecutive years. Check out performances such as theatrical marvel The Bee and the Tree, Contrite Spirit and the majestic Cellists from TMO.
For more go to lmc.nsw.gov.au.