Your penchant for fun is heightened under the Mars transit. Throw yourself in adrenalin-pumping activities to release stored energy.
Decisions around moving house, renovations or family issues are best made before 18 August when Mars prompts you to act with confidence and certainty.
An unexpected but welcomed development provides you with the answer to a pressing domestic issue. Expect a breakthrough in family disputes in the second half of August.
This is the month when you take charge financially. Implementing a new money plan pays dividends towards the end of the year and beyond.
The New Moon and four planets in Leo propel you to take centre stage with a worthwhile cause. Expect to shine in that glamorous Leo way around 15 August, so enjoy it while it lasts.
Radical Uranus compels you to consider alternative concepts in relation to a philosophical dilemma. Original ideas come in flashes around 26 August but try to stay grounded.
Incorporating the latest technology into your money management system helps reshape your financial position long-term.
You’re in the mood for love all month long, sexy Scorpio. Venus works with Uranus to bring unexpected and stimulating romance, so be prepared!
Ambitious Mars propels you forward professionally from 18 August. Be brave and take on a leadership role or strike out in a new direction with conviction.
Intrepid travel is on the agenda as unpredictable Uranus buzzes around your travel zone. Choose exotic destinations to energise your spirit and stimulate your mind.
The Full Moon on 15 August links to Venus, enticing you to savour life’s luxuries. Indulge your quirky tastes and preferences by purchasing rare objects of beauty.
Pisceans can expect accelerated progress where love is concerned. You have the green light to move to the next level with someone special, so go for it!
By Astrogirlzarro