Do you think street art should be encouraged?
“As long as it’s in a suitable place. Not when it’s scribbled over main buildings.”
Margaret, Leichhardt
“I think…no. I just think it doesn’t look nice and that you shouldn’t paint on other people’s property.”
Claudia, Belmore
“Yeah, I think it looks nice. It beats just graffiti tags. I really like the painted boxes near Orange Grove Public School, because without the art they would have just been boxes!”
Kerri, Lilyfield
“Yes. It is the equivalent cultural artefact of the streets.”
Shota, Leichhardt
“Yes, I do. It just enlivens the street. I know where I live in Five Dock, they are painting a mural on one of the lanes to the main street – I think it’s of minute little figurines.”
Priscilla, Five Dock
“Yes, of course. Even if it’s just plain old graffiti it says something about the place, that people have some freedom within it to define the street scape how they see fit. Streets are a free canvas and that communities in them are a free source of inspiration.”
Zac, Burwood
“I really appreciate murals and scultpures but I don’t like tags.”
Rob, Abbotsford