As journos love to point out in Australian political coverage – the state election is here and it is definitely in its ’11th hour’. Ciao’s Kassia Aksenov meets the candidates, so you don’t have to.
Jason Khoury – Labor candidate Drummoyne
What will you contribute to the community if elected?
The ‘tagline’ on my brochure might seem generic, but I will always ‘put the community first’. As a Parliamentarian, I would try my best to build relationships with Council and all key players to find solutions that will thrill everybody, whether it be improved ferry services, rejuvenation of Great North Road, Yaralla Estate, our under-funded schools or solutions to improve transport services for locals.
What is your position on WestConnex and does this align with party policy and community feedback?
There is no doubt we have a traffic problem here that causes unnecessary stress and time wasting for commuters. Whilst all sides of politics agree with the extension, I have heard much public opinion that the project is in fact just relocating the problem. My only honest answer is that at this stage I don’t know enough about WestConnex to articulate a firm opinion.
Does your previous experience as a firefighter, army reserves personnel and school teacher set you apart from other candidates?
The army taught me ordinary people can do extraordinary things. We learnt to work as a team and that everyone has individual strengths. During my time with the NSW Fire Brigades I learnt to make quick decisions and to never make mistakes. As a school teacher, I had the pleasure of teaching high-school kids. I was very popular with the students, but adhered to the policy of not smiling before Easter (once they developed a level of respect and understand you are the boss, you can then relax and have some fun with their learning experience).
How do you plan on improving services to health and education?
As Australians, I hope we agree that we all deserve quality health care. Waiting times at Concord Hospital are outrageous. The importance of education is still under-rated. For starters, we can build real classrooms in every school instead of these heat-seeking demountables. We need to talk with the teachers more about how we can improve things.
What will you eat for breakfast on Election Day?
I’m sure my wife will make me a healthy smoothie to see me through a busy morning.
What will you wear on Election Day?
Can’t say I’ve had time to plan that, but I’m sure I’ll look much more relaxed the next day!
To get in contact: or (02) 9743 0000.
Rachael Wheldall – Liberal candidate Newtown
What will you contribute to the community if elected?
As part of the Mike Baird Liberal Team, I will work hard for Newtown. I will be a strong advocate for our community and I will ensure that essential services such as health, education, and transport are delivered to Newtown.
What is your position on WestConnex and does this align with party policy and community feedback?
I will work hard to ensure that we build WestConnex. Unlike Labor, I don’t want commuters to sit on congested roads, while they could be at home with their families.
Marrickville Council has in the past attempted to shut down the Saturday Newtown Markets as it interferes with trade. What is your position on the matter?
This is a council matter; I am focused on state issues, such as ensuring we build the roads and public transport we need and deserve.
Who will you give your preference votes to?
My how to vote cards will be clearly marked on polling day.
What will you eat for breakfast on Election Day?
A giant flat white and poached eggs – very early in the morning!
What will you be doing the night before Election Day?
Preparing for the next day with my wonderful volunteers and getting a good night’s sleep.
To get in touch email or 0449 043 237
Max Phillips – The Greens candidate Summer Hill
What will you contribute to the community if elected?
In my six years as a local Councillor I’ve shaken things up, blown the whistle on dodgy practices and stood up for residents against big developers. As an MP I want to stir up the lazy MPs in State Parliament with new ideas, promote clean energy and phase out fossil fuels, stop WestConnex, make housing more affordable, crackdown on corruption and give the Inner West truly progressive representation.
What is your position on WestConnex and does this align with party policy and community feedback?
I am totally opposed to WestConnex and unequivocal opposition is my party’s position too. The Greens want investment in public transport, not a new motorway that will just encourage people to drive, dump cars onto local roads and spew pollution from exhaust stacks. Many Inner Westies I’ve met share these views.
How do you plan to clean up the corruption in politics?
We need to ban all corporate donations to political parties to stop big money corrupting our democracy (the NSW Greens have always refused corporate donations). We need stronger laws to stop the revolving door between government, lobbying firms and corporations. We need to support ICAC by increasing its funding and powers. We should move to proportional representation to end the duopoly of the two major parties and the very notion of ‘safe seats’.
As you are opposed to the WestConnex, how do you plan on improving road congestion if re-elected?
Invest heavily in public transport and bicycle infrastructure to provide an alternative to the car. Expand the light rail network, especially to create cross-network links. Reduce rail fares to the airport. Investigate a congestion charge to put a price on traffic congestion – which has worked in London, Singapore, Stockholm and Milan.
What will you wear on Election Day?
My lucky undies, a Summer Hill Greens T-Shirt, my best blue jeans, and converse all-stars.
What will you be doing the night before Election Day?
Hopefully everything will be ready for Election Day, so I will read stories to my two beautiful daughters then put them to bed. I will relax by watching an episode of Boardwalk Empire and then try to get to sleep early.
To get in contact: or 0419 444 916.
Jodi Mckay – Labor candidate Strathfield
What will you contribute to the community if elected?
Experience, energy and compassion.
What is your position on WestConnex and does this align with party policy and/or community feedback?
A Labor Government will not go ahead with WestConnex. Instead, we will deliver the M4 west widening, M4 extension and M5 East duplication. We will do this in a responsible manner consistent with best practice for infrastructure project delivery.
The route will be determined based on expert advice from Infrastructure NSW (INSW) with priority given to connections to the city, port and airport.
Labor will not proceed with the St Peter’s interchange and we will halt all associated compulsory acquisitions. We will ensure green spaces and Sydney’s iconic King Street shopping strip are protected with no additional clearway periods.
We’ve also announced we will commit $1 billion to build light rail from Parramatta to Strathfield.
What are the differences in campaigning in a regional electorate such as Newcastle and a diverse Inner City electorate such as Strathfield?
Both communities share similar concerns when it comes to the basic issues like health, education and other frontline services. However, the Strathfield electorate is more culturally diverse and therefore dynamic than Newcastle.
Newcastle also has a dedicated television station, a daily newspaper, four radio stations and numerous community newspapers, so there were more ways of delivering the message about who I am and what I stand for. I’m certainly door-knocking more here!
Having recently moved back to the Inner West, how can you show the locals that you know what is best for the Inner West?
I have lived and worked in Ashfield for four years and my husband has lived here for 16 years, so I know the area well. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived in a place, you still need to talk to people and find out what’s important to them.
What will you eat for breakfast on Election Day?
Hopefully my husband will cook me an omelette.
What will you be doing the night before Election Day?
I’ll be with my family and volunteers. We will be preparing for Election Day until late into the night. We have more than 30 voting sites in this electorate and each one will have a strong Labor presence. There’s a lot of work that goes into ensuring that happens, so I won’t be getting much sleep!
To get in contact: or 0447 289 626.
Charles Casuscelli – Liberal member Strathfield
What will you contribute to the community if elected?
A great deal of humour, energy, passion and experience. My wide-ranging experiences have shaped me to capably represent a community as diverse as Strathfield. I started my professional life in the Commonwealth Public Service. I have also worked as a bricklayer, an Army Officer, an executive in multi-national companies, a senior executive in the NSW public service, a barista, a concreter, a small business owner, a builder and a father.
What is your position on WestConnex and does this align with party policy and community feedback?
The WestConnex is the main project that, once completed, will dramatically improve the quality of life for residents of the Inner West of Sydney. The Baird Liberal Government’s position is absolutely aligned with majority of the community feedback I have received. Of course being born Roman, I understand the importance of roads in building an empire, or in this case of building a modern city!
What are your plans to protect the great lifestyle of Inner Westies?
Support more Italian immigration to Sydney and increase the number of (Meno Dicciotto) Gelato shops!
Having owned a small business, what advice can you offer to those who run local small business?
Family always comes first. Do not try to do too much and that which you do, do it well. Relationships are as important as the products or services your business offers. Do not underestimate your talents; it is easier to run a large company than run a small business.
What will you wear on Election Day?
I am not permitted to choose what I wear on Election Day; it is up to my wife Maria who threw out three quarters of my wardrobe, including my mission brown bell-bottomed trousers and my rich red polo neck sweater.
What will you be doing the night before Election Day?
I will turn my attention to all of the supporters and friends and together we will share a meal. I will take the opportunity to give thanks for their support during the campaign as well as prepare them for battle on polling day!
To get in contact: or (02) 9747 1711
Lyndon Gannon – Liberal candidate for Balmain
What will you contribute to the community if elected?
If elected, I will give Balmain a voice! Balmain has been neglected for generations and I plan to give it the voice it deserves in government. As a young person, who was born and raised in the community, I will contribute fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the government, along with a deep understanding of the local community.
What is your position on WestConnex and does this align with party policy and community feedback?
Only the Mike Baird Liberal Team will build the infrastructure we need in Balmain. If Labor gets its way, tens of thousands of more cars will hit our streets, forcing us to spend more time in traffic, rather than at home. Mike Baird’s long-term plan will build better public transport and better roads and highways. If elected, I will work hard to ensure that we build WestConnex and Sydney Rapid Transport.
As a part of the Mike Baird team you support investment in education. How will you invest in education in Sydney’s Inner West?
For too long under Labor, public schools had their capacity to adapt to meet the needs of their students stymied by bureaucratic red tape and over-centralised command and control. The Mike Baird Liberal Team recognises the importance of education and will deliver better outcomes for students in Balmain. If elected, I will be working hard to ensure the delivery of new public schools and new high schools in the inner city.
How do you see the future of health in Sydney’s Inner West should you be elected?
Unlike Labor, we have a long-term plan for NSW when it comes to health. Our plan includes a Schools and Hospitals Building Fund that is worth at least $2 billion for health and education infrastructure.
What will you wear on Election Day?
Interesting question! Something comfortable, that is for sure, as it’s going to be a long day. Probably a light suit with some well-polished boots.
What will you be doing the night before Election Day?
Hopefully I will get some time to do some exercise to clear my mind. Either some boxing at the gym or I’ll do my ‘squelchers’.
To get in touch: or 0488 609 088
Jo Haylen – Labor candidate for Summer Hill
What will you contribute to the community if elected?
I love the Inner West. I want to continue to work to make this a great place to live. I particularly want to help our local schools be great schools that parents and students can be proud of. I want to be part of a Labor Government that invests in education and our public health system.
What is your position on WestConnex and does this align with party policy and community feedback?
The Liberal’s WestConnex project is simply a tunnel to a traffic jam. Labor’s plan is for smart road projects and better public transport. I will fight to save the Inner West and stand up for Haberfield residents. Labor will scrap the WestConnex tunnel under the Inner West from the M4 to M5, halt all compulsory property acquisitions, save all parkland and green space currently under threat and scrap the St Peters’ Interchange saving King Street in Newtown.
What will you do to make housing more affordable for Inner West residents if elected?
Homes in the Inner West are becoming just too expensive for young people to afford. Affordable housing is essential to keeping the Inner West diverse. As Mayor of Marrickville I made a submission to the NSW Parliament that Councils be allowed to mandate a compulsory levy on property developers and work with community housing providers to deliver affordable housing. I also ensured that development on the old Marrickville Hospital site must include 4% affordable housing.
Can you describe any of the projects you will implement to improve shared urban spaces?
As Mayor, I delivered many park upgrades and worked with the community to see 10 parks made off-leash to exercise our dogs. I also made sure our community infrastructure was improved, with a record investment made to fix our footpaths. I instituted an Architectural Excellence Panel that now assesses key developments to improve design and urban planning outcomes. I want to continue this work to make all our urban spaces safe and liveable for everyone to enjoy.
What will you wear on Election Day?
I haven’t thought that far ahead! Most likely a summer wrap dress so I can feed my little son.
What will you be doing the night before Election Day?
Hopefully getting some sleep before the big day.
To get in touch: or 0438 279 368
Jamie Parker – The Greens candidate for Balmain
What will you contribute to the community if re-elected?
People tell me over and over that they want to see a better public education system, they want a public transport system that actually works, and they’re worried about our land and heritage buildings being sold off. I’ll continue to address these concerns as I have done for the past four years and to help each and every person who contacts my office.
What is your position on WestConnex and does this align with party policy and community feedback?
The Greens are completely opposed to the building of the WestConnex tollway and we’re the only major party that holds this position. It’s painful to see so much money being diverted to tollways that will create more pollution and congestion, when we could really be investing in a public transport system that is efficient and accessible. Our argument for public transport extends beyond the Inner West; greater Western Sydney would be better served by more public transport infrastructure and the light rail should be extended along Parramatta road and in the CBD.
If re-elected how will you support small business in the Inner West?
We need to make Council’s processes friendly for small businesses, change the federal tax system by reducing taxes for small business and, most importantly, be champions for shopping locally. I’ve worked alongside our local Chambers of Commerce and will continue to support their important role.
How will you ensure transparency and accountability in government?
In the past four years, I’ve secured funding for Independent Commission Against Corruption so it can continue to do its work without fear of its budget being cut and I worked hard on the reform of election finance laws, so we now have a cap on private donations and reduce corruption. We have had successes, but are still working to fully implement our Clean Politics Charter that will ensure openness and accountability in NSW politics.
What will you eat for breakfast on Election Day?
Probably some fruit and about ten cups of coffee!
What will you wear on Election Day?
We have an awesome Greens t-shirt designed for the state election. I’ll make sure it’s washed and ready to go on the day.