Salty Goodness

Salt, numbers and trivia for food nerds

I love learning and sharing new facts about food, although sometimes you have to take certain information about food and fad diets with a grain of salt. Speaking of salt…

Did you know?

  • 79.7 years was the average life expectancy of Australians last year.
  • You have a 23 per cent increased chance of stroke on a high salt diet.
  • 14 per cent is the increased chance of heart disease on that same high salt diet.
  • 1,168 is the average number of meals a person eats in a year.
  • 51 is the average number of mouthfuls per meal (more if you’re a lady).
  • 15 is the average number of chews for each of those mouthfuls.
  • 268 grams is the average meal size.
  • 71,213,544 is roughly the number of chews you will use in your lifetime to eat your meals (excluding snacks and gum, of course).
  • 14 grams is the amount of salt the average Australian adult consumesevery day.
  • 6 grams is the recommended daily intake.
  • 80 per cent is the amount of salt that you actually ‘taste’ in your mouth.
  • 3 or 4 contrasting textures will increase your ability to perceive salt.
  • A 1.8 centimetre square particle of food that requires….
  • 15 or more chews will also increase the perception of salt by….
  • 25 per cent, meaning that you will ‘taste’ more salt but consume less salt.
  • 0 is my interest in having all of my food manufactured in the same way in order to create a 4-tiered, 1.8-centimetre particle of food that would control my chew rate.
  • 100 per cent is the probability that I’m going to smash a whole bag of chips tonight (yay movie night!)


P.S. Did you know that if it were possible to remove all sodium/salt from your diet, it could only take a matter of hours – not days – for you to pass out and die?


Jared Ingersoll,
Jared is currently serving as a ‘food experience’ manager at Sonoma Bakery.

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