Your love life amps-up when charming Venus makes an appearance mid-month. Spend quality time with loved ones or explore ways to meet people.
The Jupiter-Neptune link propels you to be financially conservative this month. Delay making major money decisions until you have a clear understanding of the machinations of a situation.
The Saturn-Capricorn transit teaches you lessons about setting monetary limits. Be mindful of your finances around 9 September when circumstances too good to be true present themselves.
Issues around commitment reveal themselves on 9 September. Discuss matters with your significant other with maturity and wisdom.
Hobbies and passions are on the agenda throughout September. Take time out to indulge in the activities that float your boat.
Your intuition accelerates under the Full Moon-Neptune link on 14 September. Trust your instincts and act on a long-held dream.
Expansive Jupiter compels you to explore your brand of self-expression. Studying, teaching and writing help develop your communication skills, especially between 25 and 29 September.
Beliefs around wealth are dissolved when Jupiter squares Neptune this month. Overcome financial fears by learning to make mature money choices.
Mars supports your plans, especially between 9 and 12 September. Expect a wobbly situation to stabilise by mid-month when you have the clarity to make informed decisions.
Opportunities for professional advancement are possible under the Sun-Mars link. You have the drive to progress quickly with your ambitions, especially at the end of the month.
Don’t overextend yourself financially under the Jupiter-Neptune link. Facts may be foggy, so take time to research monetary choices carefully.
Intense romance is possible in the first week of September under the Mars-Pluto link. Meet trust and intimacy issues on 20 September with confidence and conviction.
By Astrogirlzarro