Inner West whispers – 241

A coffee for Fast Eddie, bread and circuses, and what’s going on at the Marly?

• Will Marly’s new rooftop bar last till summer? Since the newest lockout laws, the Marlborough Hotel has been enjoying free rein in the Inner West. Every weekend the line outside often reaches as far as Istanbul (no, not the country, but rather the local kebab shop). Have the owners taken things too far? Rumour has it that the rooftop bar may be dealing with some council-related issues. The rooftop has been on an extended hiatus and whether it’s purely due to this heinous weather or something thornier, only time will tell.

• Luke Powell’s anticipated opening of a LP’s quality meats in Chippendale? Ex-Tetsuya’s chef Luke Powell is embarking on his first solo endeavour. Adding even more excitement to the developing Chippendale area. To be housed in a converted old mechanics warehouse. You may know him best for his pulled pork and fried chicken at Mary’s. However, his new joint is said to showcase his versatility with a shy away from the Americana theme.

• Eddie Obeid seen at Leichhardt’s Bakehouse. True to corrupt politician form, Eddie Obeid was spotted hiding behind a large baseball cap and dark sunglasses, desperately trying to enjoy a Monday morning coffee in peace. Pity his sparkling Mercedes-Benz provided a far less stealthy getaway.

• A new Bread and Circus Wholefoods Canteen is rumoured to be opening in Dulwich Hill. Bread and Circus have had huge success in Alexandria with their biodynamic, organic and sustainable produce satisfying the tastebuds of hip locals. But will it make the same impression in Dulwich Hill? Or will its biodynamic eggs fall flat in an area more down to earth.

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