- Love camping? We hear that at just $130 a week, a tent in Sydenham has been advertised for rent on Facebook’s Inner West Sydney Housemates group. Now you camp every single day and pay exorbitant Sydney rent prices for your cut of freshly polluted city air. We’re not sure if this is satire aimed at Sydney’s high rent prices, or evidence of the extremities renters are going to in these seemingly dire circumstances.
- Could your Opal fares be under threat? The government’s plans to privatise the Inner West’s bus services in response to apparent poor service has caused quite a stir amongst riders and drivers alike. There’s always the possibility that privatisation will provide us with frequent and smoothly running timetables, busses decked out with air-con, leather seats and cupholders. But then again, who knows what kind of soaring fares bus users might face? And what will go next — Trains? Our healthcare system?
- Despite the controversy surrounding the proposed amalgamation of Burwood, Strathfield and City of Canada Bay councils, it is looking likely that Canada Bay residents will go to polls to elect councillors on September 9. That is, unless a merger occurs between now and the election date. Even if councillors are freshly elected by the public in September, a merger that wipes them all out can still occur at any time. Three cheers for democracy.
- As well as these confusing legalities, locals will also have pre-polling to look forward to, which will commence on 28 August. Ready yourself for signs, billboards and door-knocking campaigners galore!