Stars – 256

Your stars of the week by Astrogirlzarro


Explore techniques and practices to streamline your cash flow under the Sun’s transit of your money sphere.


The Full Moon on May 4th compels some Taureans to come clean on a particular situation regarding intimate relationships.


Written and verbal communication improves after May 2nd when Mercury moves into your sign. If you need to articulate an important message to others, do it this fortnight.


Cancerians will be feeling the love when Venus makes an appearance from May 8th. Spending quality time with loved ones and enjoying the good life are on the agenda.


Standing your ground under the Sun-Jupiter link will move you closer to resolving a drawn-out issue.


DIY projects undertaken around May 3rd prove successful for many talented Virgos.


If you’re thinking of combining business with pleasure this fortnight, go for it! The Universe supports you in some fascinating work-play scenarios.


Refine the way you keep track of finances. Improving money management systems around May 3rd brings positive long terms results.


Get emotionally closer to your significant other around May 3rd by communicating your romantic feelings directly and clearly.


Venus transits your love zone on May 8th. Expect joyful connections with like-minded people over the coming weeks.


The Full Moon on May 4th demands that you find a balance between work and personal commitments.


This is a highly charged creative time for many Pisceans under the Sun-Venus link. Create time and space to indulge you
