Is the sausage sizzle an endangered species?

September 30, 2014

Nowadays many of us are living and bringing up children in very densely populated urban environments, like apartment blocks, but are somehow trapped in what I call the ‘neighbour paradox’ which sees us living closer […]

Jared learns about food from the 1800’s…

September 1, 2014

Recently, I served up a really special dinner at the Hyde Park Barracks which was a collaborative affair between a few talented historians and chefs to produce a meal that was a retrospective look at […]

Jared on food satisfaction

August 18, 2014

When I was 11 years old I followed my mum to work and stepped into my first commercial kitchen: an army mess in Trentham, New Zealand. It was huge! The massive knives and fire and […]

Jared on Heston's sausages

August 4, 2014

Jared weighs in on the supermarket wars… Yesterday I had a meeting to talk through an amazing, delicious and huge event. As I was chatting and developing ideas based on a 70s backyard barbecue or […]

Jared on whine-makers

July 7, 2014

I might regret this rant but here it goes… Indulge my oversimplifications but there is this thing called ‘wine.’ We drink loads of the stuff and almost always consume it within 24 hours of purchasing […]

Jared Ingersoll on big business

June 23, 2014

This just in: Woolworths are a huge company that are motivated primarily by market share and massive profits! Other headlines include: Night follows day; the Pope is Catholic and man-flu is real. Seriously people, Woolworths […]

Jared Ingersoll on GM foods

June 11, 2014

A few months ago I wrote about Steve Marsh, a WA farmer who was suing his neighbor for GM contamination of his organic canola. The case was important for raising the question: ‘Shouldn’t every farmer […]

Jared Ingersoll: Sri Lankan adventure

May 26, 2014

I write this column from beautiful Sri Lanka as a guest of the ‘Dilmah tea chef and the tea maker’ program in which 10 chefs are selected from around the world to work collaboratively on […]

Jared Ingersoll – 233

May 12, 2014

It’s way too cold for reading an article so make soup instead. This is one of my favourites. I’ve been making it around this time of the year for the last 20 years! There is […]

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