Gigs guide – 249

Friday 26th December

When you first start listening to this reggae band, you might ask yourself “do these guys know what reggae music is?”. Don’t worry, they do but some of their songs take a second to get there. Very unique combination of sounds, give it a shot.

The Annandale Hotel, Free 

Wednesday 7th January
Julian Casablancas and the Voidz

I don’t want to shit on this, but I think it’s mostly awful. Maybe that’s just because I like the Strokes and this is nothing like them. Lots of odd synth sounds that sort of just make more noise than music and I feel this band is just too much of a statement.

Enmore Theatre, $85.94

Friday 9th January
The Growlers 

So very, very cool. They call their sound Beach Goth; it’s mostly California surfer rock but there is a lot of psychedelic and country in there as well. I hear that their live shows are really a sight so I’m very excited.

The Roller Den, $40.30