As another year passes, we are no closer to any reduction in emissions targets and it still the households and small businesses that carry the bulk of the guilt and corporations that do the bulk of polluting. In 2015, I am hoping that pressure on governments and big business peaks so change can finally occur, however if it doesn’t we should all keep on trying and not lose hope. Here are some great examples of minor victories in 2014 and some suggested resolutions or goals for 2015.
1.We helped save the reef momentarily.
Sometimes Getup gets up my nose. Even though I love what they do, sometimes, I am just very, very busy with my own agenda. I did, however, give $100 towards the ad campaign targeted at Deutsche Bank who were about to lend billions of dollars to Adani (the bad guys who want to dredge millions on tonnes of seabed to make way for coal ships).
2015 resolution: take more notice of Getup’s emails and act immediately if I can.
2.Transfield pulled their Biennale sponsorship.
It is great when businesses support significant cultural events such as the Biennale. Their sponsorship dollars are critical to the sustainability of artistic events that educate viewers about people and place. I did, at the time, side with Transfield, thinking who do these artists think they are – do they think these festivals are funded on air? After having actually gone to the Biennale and found it underwhelming, I realised it that a symbiotic relationship between organisers and artists is what makes a successful symposium.
2015 resolution: weigh up all sides of the debate, and support activism if it is strategic and not reactive.
3.Julie Bishop supports action on climate change.
After her party dismantled the carbon tax and Clive Palmer & Co whittled the minerals and resource tax down to a few coppers, the coalition (even Malcolm Turnball) had become carbon robots towing the same line about climate inaction policy. It was refreshing to hear Julie Bishop (with or without the support of her party) speak out in Peru about all countries working together to reduce the impacts of climate change.
2015 resolution: stop bagging Julie Bishop (and the Liberal Party). A tax is not the only way to implement environmental change.
4.The light rail opened.
Connecting so many great suburbs and following a natural bird path and green corridor known as the “Greenway” the light rail is fantastic way to get out and about in the Inner West (although I haven’t caught it yet).
2015 resolution: catch the light rail and make a point of alighting at each station to enjoy the green corridor.
5. Craft beer becomes mainstream.
Thank you hipsters. Batch Brewing (Marrickville), Balmain Brewing, Young Henry’s (Newtown) and St Peter’s Brewing are a few of the local brewers who are now regularly stocked alongside the boutique brands like Coopers and Little Creatures. Bigger brands such as Tooheys and Carlton United are said to be losing up to 10% of their market share to emerging local brewers. Local brewing helps the environment by supporting local jobs, cutting down on transport emissions and the businesses themselves implement their own “green” practices such as recycling waste.
2015 resolution: don’t drink alcohol unless it is brewed locally. I can only try.