Bay Bitch: streaming on
The morning of the City2Surf I wandered down to the Bay Run only to find a depleted group of sportsters moseying around. There wasn’t much lycra that morning, only lots of stretched T-shirts and drooped […]
The morning of the City2Surf I wandered down to the Bay Run only to find a depleted group of sportsters moseying around. There wasn’t much lycra that morning, only lots of stretched T-shirts and drooped […]
These days fun seems to be everywhere. In fact, I can’t seem to get away from it. The Inner West is a particularly fun place. We have the Bay Fun Run, the Balmain Fun Run, […]
You may have noticed that winter has been delivering some spectacular (and very shareable) sunsets. This image was taken over Barnstaple Rd near the Bay Run. Scientists have explained why winter is the season for […]
Opposite Nield Park I spied three fisherman casting their lines right over the path of the sportsters. It looked like they were trying to use them as bait! I was touched they were engaged in […]
An Upper North Shore friend (well, as much as someone from the Upper North Shore can be a friend) told me one afternoon over a glass of champers that his private-school educated daughter sometimes joins […]
Sometimes when routines change we are given no warning and only after a few weeks pass we realise that something we had been doing repeatedly for a long time we are doing no longer. I […]
Around on the city-west side of the Bay, not in proximity to any houses, I came upon a Bay walker, definitely not a sportster, in her pyjamas. They weren’t the type of pyjamas that could […]
The giant serpent that pops out of the foreshore on the Drummoyne side of the Bay Run has baffled sportsters for around three years now. Is it the rainbow serpent or a sperm or an […]
I was feeling deflated at my lack of progress in upping my Bay Run speed. I could not bring myself to shift into a jog for more than two seconds. While I was looking defeatedly […]
On reading the notice “Bay Run – Timbrell Drive Upgrade”, ironically hung on yet another of the ugly wire fences that have become a blight on the Bay Run and actually the whole of the Canada […]