What election ‘issue’ is most important to you, and will affect your vote come September 7th?
“Same sex marriage and mental health are my big issues.”
Mark, Newtown.
“My #1 issue is climate change. The world, and especially this part of it seems to have let this one slip. But the science indicates that the world is warming at a more rapid rate than predicted, and the consequences are plain to see. Neither party is offering much on this issue, as they only see costs not benefits. A shame, as if we became world leaders in the technologies and methods associated with combating climate change it would be a bonanza for jobs, education and the economy. Instead programs are cut by Labour to try and balance the budget and the Coalition just pays lip service – CO2 is an invisible gas, so couldn’t possibly be a problem.”
Patrick, Rozelle.
“Same sex marriage – simply because I’m tired of hearing about it. Someone do something!”
Laura, Ashbury.
“I’m in the middle of a long university degree so whoever has the better position on university funding will get my vote.”
Rochelle, Camperdown.
“The economy and who is best to manage it? History tells us who that is…”
Don, Rodd Point.
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