Your stars of the week by Astrogirlzarro
This fortnight is an ideal time to discuss pay increases or bonuses at work, or attract potential clients to your cause under the Sun-Mercury-Venus link.
The New Moon on May 7th signals you to slow down. A measured approach will help you appreciate life’s little luxuries such as a relaxing massage or a home-cooked meal.
Your feelings toward a significant other remain private under the current Venus transit. Keeping your emotions close helps you monitor a potential romantic situation.
A friend maybe insistent about a favour between May 9th and 11th. Be firm and stand your ground if their loyalty is an issue.
The Sun and Mercury recharge your professional zone from May 9th. Old-fashioned hard work pays off down the track.
Your ruling planet Mercury makes a strong connection with Venus around May 13th. Communication is the key to successful romantic liaisons.
You’ll make a favourable impression with the right people around May 10th under the Venus-Jupiter link. Charm and optimism go a long way in getting what you want.
The New Moon in your love zone on May 7th puts you in a romantic mood. Wining and dining with that special someone rekindles the spark.
Passionate Mars demands that you connect with new desires. Major change in this area, however, may take time.
Hook up with like-minded people from May 1st. The support you receive from these networks will lift you above your current challenges.
Beautifying your living space from May 1st will rejuvenate your spirits. Fresh flowers, art prints, and comfortable furniture make for a cosy and comfortable home.
You’ll unearth forgotten skills by revisiting a past professional role. Your findings will aid you in your current or future career plans.